This beach girl has taken on a new hobby, and loving every second of it! After recently returning home from weeks by the beach, I got out to try something new (with a little nudge) to help me appreciate the beautiful winter days here in Minnesota. So read on to see how ice skating is more than just a fun outdoor activity, but also a mindfulness practice!

First off, the weather has been fairly temperate here. If it was below 25 degrees, you would probably not find me outside trying to enjoy any activities except for skiing, because I LOVE to ski. But it’s been gorgeous, the snow is beautifully white, the temps have been in the high 20’s and 30’s, and my tropical-loving-ass needs to learn to get out and appreciate the cold fresh air.
When we were on the way to the rink, my stomach was literally in knots. I was so freaking nervous! I kept thinking about how when I bought skates last year I put them on, stood up on the ice, and then sat right back down to take them off. I thought “Nope. Not today. I’m going to fall and break something and I love my bones way too much.” But lately I’ve been intentional about trying new things out even if they scare me. So I went for it.
When I got to the rink I simply did not think. I didn’t psych myself out, didn’t try to talk myself out of it, I just went for it. I laced up my skates, stood up, wobbly-walked the 4 feet to the rink (insert clinched teeth emoji), and hit the ice.
I decided to hold on to the rail and skate the perimeter to start. Baby steps! After going around in this fashion a few times, I skated further from the rail and only used it as a bumper. Then I became more comfortable and had forgotten about the rail, and then I was gliding, then skating backwards, then doing turns, and then skating quickly right through the middle of the rink and stopping at a turn. For real!
Now that may sound like nothing spectacular to you, but had you seen my first lap around the rink, you’d totally be high-fiving me, too!
The key to getting comfortable with balancing on two little blades of steel teetering on ice, is to fully concentrate. There is literally no other way. I was extremely mindful of every move I was making, and just like in meditation, I had to bring my thoughts and my mind back to the practice/activity I was doing. When my mind wandered, or I would look at the pretty clouds, or another person, or hear a dog, or think about my to-do list, I would bring my mind right back to my skates gliding on the ice. If I didn't, I would totally have bitten it!
So my mantra on that first day and since then is, “Glide…glide…glide…glide” for each step taken, focusing on the feeling and weight of each blade touching and gliding along the ice. It takes concentration, mindfulness, dedication, and practice. Just like any daily meditation practice, or skill of any kind.
So, if you live in a cold climate and are looking for something different to to do to get your butt outside, head to a local skating rink, oval, or frozen lake, and give ice-skating a go. I promise, you’ll learn a new fun hobby, gain a new mindfulness practice, receive loads of crisp, fresh air, and firm up your thighs and butt to boot. Happy skating!
Sara Yamaguchi