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Lately I’ve enjoyed the benefits of playing outside in nature more than I ever thought I would. My morning meditation ritual has been a godsend for my wellbeing, and yet I've found that being outside in the elements whether at the beach, in the mountains, or on the frozen lakes of MN has been more grounding and evoked more peace and joy than I ever knew possible.

Ullasa is a Sanskrit term describing the feeling of pleasantness evoked by natural beauty. It means bright, brilliance, merry, joy, pleasure, delight, splendor, shining...basically all the things I want to feel and be in my life for myself and other people. It is possibly one of my favorite words to date as it exudes immense brightness and positivity, and I have set my intentions to fully embody the word and its meaning in my day-to-day life, namely by appreciating the little things and taking time to play!

Studies have shown that being in nature and marveling at the small things around us can enhance our memory, reduce anxiety, and give us a more positive outlook on life. I was on the beach enjoying the sea and sun last week, in the mountains with friends to feel the crisp mountain air over the weekend, and I’ll be back to the beach next week, and then to another mountain to ski next weekend and the weekend after that. I’ve been on the move this year enjoying my charmed life, and at the moment am taking in the beautiful Spring weather at home. The crisp sunny air, magnificent sunsets, the moon rises, and simply being outside has been inspiring! All these moments in nature are filling me right up, which in turn, is filling those in my life up, too.

While out to dinner last night, I got up to use the restroom and suddenly caught the brilliant salmony-orange sunset out of the windows. Regardless of my surroundings and all the people in the restaurant, I stopped in my tracks, my eyes lit up and I yelled out “WOW”, causing everyone to turn their heads to me, and then to the sunset as well. They got it. It was magnificent, and I could not contain my appreciation for such beauty, even while in a public space. And because I appreciated what was happening outside, others did too, so we all connected and enjoyed the setting sun together, and it was wonderful.

I used to think I was crazy for my candid and honest reactions when nature surprises me with its beauty, and now I embrace it. I am expressive, I'm vocal, I struggle to keep my emotions inside, I laugh a lot, I cry a lot, I feel everything deeply, good and bad, and I do not plan to change a damn thing because it simply makes me, ME. And if someone doesn’t appreciate it, they can move right along:)

These past couple of mornings I have awoken to the rising sun peeking through the trees outside my living room windows. Just seeing the smallest pop of the sun’s golden light, knowing it’s a fresh new day gets me excited! This morning in particular, the light danced in pretty little streaks along my bedroom ceiling, and as I lay there giving my morning gratitudes, I was giddy with joy for the simple beauty that the early light cast in my bedroom. It was beautiful, and I popped right out of bed with a gigantic smile, elated for the start of a brand new day.

“Life is perpetual freshness, in permanent movement, As such we need to be the same way; A childlike innocence is requested by existence, Every time, in every circumstance - a priceless purity." -Ilie Ciora

There is something so fulfilling about paying attention to the little things, being present in the moment to allow our senses to take in even the slightest bits of beauty all around us. I’m not sure what it is about me, or what my way of being is that causes me to notice things, but no matter where I am or what I’m doing I’ve almost always caught the moon rising, or a star shooting, or the sun setting, and have always openly vocalized my delight be it in my car, on a walk, with other people, or even in a fancy restaurant like last night. I just cannot help myself! When I’m filled with joy in the moment, those around me are bound to know it, too. Sorry, not sorry:)

I thought there may be something wrong with me, like why can I not contain my excitement in public when I’m struck by awe? I've wondered if I should keep my feelings inside, to myself, to be reserved would be more socially acceptable. But I have come to embrace this quality. I love myself for feeling that giddy feeling of joy when I see a star shoot across the sky, or giggle when I feel the ocean breeze on my face, or yell out in joy when at the top of a mountain ready to ski down to the bottom. I simply refuse to lose this part of me - it makes me who I am! What this also means is that if someone does something to hurt or upset me, you better believe they’re going to hear about it, too. And I’m working on that because if someone does something they know will hurt me, they obviously don’t care enough about me or how I feel, so why waste my precious energy?!

My lesson is that when I am confident, happy, and at peace with myself, those in my presence feel those things as well. And when I’m unhappy, self-doubting, or in conflict, those around me feel that, too, and that is also what I see in them.

I noticed this on my sunrise walks at the beach last week. Every person I passed and said good morning to had the biggest, most genuine smile when greeting me in return. Every single person seemed to be exuding joy. I asked myself why everyone was so happy? Was it them, or was it me? I have to believe it is because when I feel joy and love in my heart, I notice the same in others. And for these past couple of months, I have felt such joy, love, and passion that I have been attracting the same kind of people into my life. The Law of Attraction is no joke, y’all!

"Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” ― Mother Teresa

So today, tomorrow, and the days to come, I will continue to choose to let joy overwhelm me while being present to and appreciating my surroundings. I will fully hear the birds sing their songs of happiness. I will head to catch the sun set over the icy lake, and smile while it warms my face and heart. I will choose to play and jump for joy when moved to. I will continue to smile at everyone I see and say hello to strangers. I will dance and play on the beach next week and when at the top of a new mountain skiing again next weekend, I will scream out in joy and ride down with a smile from the inside and out. You just never know who you’ll meet, or whose day you'll brighten with the smallest gesture and positive energy. In short, I choose to be joy so that I may give others joy, too.

I desire good things and people in my life. I deserve good things and people in my life. And I am certain I've been attracting all these things lately because of my way of being. My Grandma used to call me Sara Joy instead of Sara Lana, because of the joy and excitement I brought to those around me. I was a loud laughing and happy kid, and not much has changed;)

So that is my wish: to embody Ullasa and to encourage you to give it a go as well. Let's strive to delight in nature’s beauty, to be present and marvel at the simple things that make our senses, hearts, and souls smile, to play in the moment, and to exude and bring joy and childlike wonder to those who are in our presence. It has clearly been working for me so why would I want to change? Quite simply, I don't, and I know it will positively impact and attract good things in your life, too!

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    About Me


    Hi!  My name is Sara, and my dearest call me Sara Lana.  I love life, love adventure, and am always seeking ways to grow and evolve.  Life is meant to be lived, right?


    My website is a space for fun and inspiration. A place to share travels past and present, thoughts, memories, ideas, and anything else that comes to mind.  It will shift, change, and transform into what it is meant to be....kind of like me!    

    Welcome to my world.  Enjoy!


    Follow my journey, or let me hear your thoughts!

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