Life is full up ups and downs, highs and lows, excitement and quiet, and we recognize these times when we are in them. We aim for a quiet night in, or a fun night out. We go on a trip for a new experience or commit to doing a project on our home. We feel the magic of being connected with friends, or in love, or the sadness or loneliness when no one is around. But what about all those times in-between, where nothing seems to be happening and things feel average or simply blah? I’m discovering that there is an abundance of magic and beauty and growth in these moments, if we simply look for it.

Watching the sunrise in Sedona earlier this year, there were others on top of the mountain with me to do the same. Some of them came up minutes before the sun peaked over the next mountain, and left right after it was up. However, these people missed the most beautiful part of the sun rise - the time leading up to it. Well before the sun shows its face to us, that is when the sky is showing off all the colors, the earth is beginning to stir, and things are just beginning to light up in our view.
The sunrise last night was the same. Watching the beautiful bright salmon tinted sun fall into the sea, as soon as it was down some people left the beach, as they felt they witnessed the magic of the sunset. But they missed all the colors that presented themselves after the sun had just said goodnight. The times both before and after the very moment the sun sets is where the real beauty lies. It is after the sun has set when the light cast on the clouds above the horizon show their colors more brilliantly, the water clearly becomes calmer, and the air begins to still.
We are aware when things are at a peak or valley in our lives, when our sun is up or our sun is down. We know when we are thriving and not pushed to make any changes. We love what we do, we are physically at our best, we have meaning and purpose, and we are connected and loved and perhaps in love. It is during these times that we feel unstoppable, like the universe is working in our favor, and everything appears more beautiful and positive through our eyes.
We are also aware when things are not going well and we know we get to make changes. When we are unhappy with our jobs, we are disconnected from friends and family, we lack passion for things we once loved, we lack intimacy with others, our partners simply do not see or hear us, or we do not even have a partner. We know how these times feel as they can feel like lows, depressions, or dips in our lives that will allow us to arise again.
“Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.” -LR Knost
The times in-between these highs and lows is where I’m learning to see the magic. The colors presented to us before and after the sun rises or sets are where there is more action and energy than the very moment it actually does. Before a meal is prepared and presented to the table, there were hours of mindful preparation, and an abundance of aromas wafting from the kitchen. Before a gift is opened there is thoughtfulness, preparation, and anticipation. Before that cup of Joe is enjoyed each morning, there is that comforting smell of coffee filling the house. Before entering a new relationship there is personal growth and self love being created.
There is an incredible amount of magic and beauty in all the in-between times of life. Take them in, enjoy them, be aware of the stillness and the growth happening even if it feels as though things are stagnant. I promise you, they are not!
A way to be more aware of these moments is to be more mindful. This is something I constantly work on and remind myself using the mantra: be here now. There is nothing more important than learning to be right here, right now, all the time. Taking mindfulness walks, getting lost in a book that sirs the soul, sitting in complete silence in nature, and making meditation a daily habit - these are all great ways to be present and appreciate our “now."
Whether life presently feel exciting, or boring, or simply just happening to no level of extreme, love these times for what they are, because all of it is life, and life is a precious gift!
I write this not as a way to preach or act like I have the key to happiness - I absolutely do not! This is a reminder to myself as well, to enjoy the in-between times. To see the quiet and mundane times for what they are and actively seek out the beauty in each moment.
So enjoy today, right now, this very moment for what it is - a gift! Whether you’re alone having your morning coffee, or sipping cocktails on a yacht with your best of friends (which, you wouldn’t be reading this if you were, but sounded fun;), take it all in and know there are brighter days ahead, quieter days ahead, and life is unfolding perfectly for you and for me, in every moment, each and every day.
Carpe diem!