2020 has been both a doozy and a blessing. When the year started I had a fantastic job. I had an amazing group of friends. I was in love. I had a home I was renovating to suit my taste. I was financially comfortable and got to do all the things I wanted to do. And now, end of October in the same year, some things have changed.

My home is still my home, yet more beautiful and "me" than I had hoped. My friends and family are more special to me than ever. I’m still financially thriving and independent. The man I thought could be “the one,”wasn't. I was promoted and then promoted again. I took a leave of absence to turn life off, came back to conquer my new position within my company, and then BOOM! This week that changed. The Universe dropped an opportunity in my lap that I couldn’t refuse, and I said yes to the dress! ;)
I’ve said “yes” for as long as I can remember. Yes, when my heart asked me to move to San Diego at 23, not knowing a soul there. Yes, when someone asked me to work on a yacht the first time. Yes, to the Italian boys who've invited me for a ride on their Vespas. Yes, when someone told me to go to a transformational leadership training. Yes, when my Mom suggested I move back to Minnesota to be with my 98 year-old Grandma. Yes, whenever my nephews ask me for pretty much anything. Yes, when I accepted promotions at work when I didn’t think I was capable of succeeding. And yes, when I was just given a new career opportunity to work with one of my favorite people, where I get to travel to exclusive places, and work wherever I want to on the planet. All these "yeses" make me exactly the woman I am today!
Sometimes life can be confusing, quiet, like nothing is happening or things feel stagnant. And I’m convinced it is during these times that the Universe is creating new opportunities for us. We need these quiet lulls so we can breathe, think, feel and simply “be,” to prepare us for the gifts coming our way.
“A workin’ man has no time to think.”
-My Uncle Raymond
This pops in my head often and it is so very true! When our minds are racing, when we’re caught up in our jobs, our day-to-day, and working our asses off for someone else’s vision or dream, how then are we supposed to see, know, or work toward our own vision or dream? It is when life is quiet, when we are quiet, and take time for ourselves that we are able to get clear on what we want in life. It is during these lulls that we open ourselves and our hearts wide up to allow the magic in our lives to be created.
I firmly believe that wherever there is breakdown, there is breakthrough! I wrote briefly about this in my post about The Power of Breath. Breakdown, as hard, and uncomfortable, and downright painful it may be, is the very thing that helps us learn, and grow, and allows us the biggest breakthroughs in life. When someone you love dies, or someone breaks up with you, or you lose your job, or you didn’t get that job, or that girl, or that home, it may feel that the Universe is conspiring against you. However, you must know that the Universe is always working in your favor, and does not give you some of the things you think you want, because it has something better in store for you. No one has better plans for you than the Universe does!
So life can be tricky, and amazing, and sad, and exciting, and beautiful, and sometimes things completely fall apart. But I’ve lived through enough beautiful and excruciating times, that I now understand that as time passes, we heal, and life continues to go on to bring us ups and downs and all arounds. It takes time, years sometimes, but eventually we see that everything we've experienced makes sense for our greater good.
Serendipity: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
So I gave the 9-5 a really good go and have been with the same company for almost 4 years now. Although I love my work fam, and the company I work for more than I could ever imagine, I’ve felt a shift in myself, like there was something missing, something else out there for me, yet I had no idea what that was or what it looked like. And wouldn’t you know it, out of the blue I got the call. I was presented with something so perfect for me, so right up my alley, that after a few short chats and negotiations, I said “OK Universe. I hear you, I see you, I'm IN!!”
Yes, it is sad to leave my company, and I will miss my coworkers and the people I’ve met very much, and yet I am so proud of myself for taking a massive leap into the unknown. To embark on something exciting and new, something that will allow me to travel, to meet incredible people, and see ridiculously amazing places!
I’m heading out of my comfort zone here folks, and because I’m doing just that, I know I am going to grow immensely! And maybe, just maybe, along the way I'll find that love, and never return. Stay tuned!