The past couple of months I have heard myself saying “ What are the freaking chances?!?” more than I can count on two hands. Some call it coincidence, but I call it synchronicity, or fate. My belief is that everything happens for a reason, and for those whose eyes are open and are paying attention, these instances of coincidence, or chance, or lucky happenings, or whatever you want to call them, occur more often than for those who are sleepwalking through life.

I just returned from a couple of weeks out in the wild, wild West. My friend Scotty had a cooking gig in Vegas for a week and asked if I wanted to join him while there, then for a road trip to follow. Of course I said yes and immediately booked my flight.
While skiing in Keystone with my San Diego friends at the end of February, we were talking about upcoming trips. When I mentioned I was flying one way to Vegas on April 9, my friend David said he would be in Vegas the very same weekend with his family, who I also know very well. Like, what were the chances we would be in Vegas at the same time, staying 5 minutes from each other? Obviously, we both needed to see each other again very soon - we were stoked!
Since the guys were working 100% of the time while in Vegas, I had time to play every evening and on the weekends, and there were a few people I had hoped to see while in town. Thinking about a beautiful friend who had recently moved to Vegas, as I sat on the balcony typing a message to her asking when and how and if I could see her, a FaceTime call came in from you guessed it, HER! Now she and I had not seen each other in a few years, and hadn’t spoken in months, but here I was mid-text to her and at the exact same time she thought to call me. I think I answered the phone saying, “Hey Girl - what are the freaking chances - I was just typing a text to you, and you called?!”
We both had morning bed head, the previous night's makeup still on my eyes, but we enjoyed seeing each others' faces nonetheless. She and I laughed and caught up on all that we’re up to, and I was in awe to hear she’s been on a path of healing, learning, and getting educated on ancient plant medicine, and is now a regular on going on “journey’s".
As timing would have it, I have wanted to experience Ayahuasca for some time now. To experience the killing of my Ego, to see myself and the world and its connection clearly, lucidly, and to see, confront, and break through my patterns of self limitations and destruction. She and I were meant to reconnect for so many reasons, and this was one of them. She gets to practice facilitating ceremony, and I get to experience healing and growth in a way I’ve been keen on for some time now. Again I say, what are the freaking chances?!?
“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see. - Carl Jung
Our drive was accompanied by a fun-filled playlist Scotty and I created the weeks leading up to the trip, and it seemed each song was more apropos than the one before. Every track fit the scenery! After passing miles of turbine filled hills, we saw the disco rock mountains I’d read about, and then ate lunch at a 50’s diner with a dinosaur garden, something my nephews would love one day:). We witnessed the stunning desert sun set over the golden mountains, but not before we stopped on a whim at a BBQ joint in Lucerne Valley, where we were suprisingly greeted by an incredible concert while enjoying the hot desert sunshine.
Siri was telling us to take a left, we saw a bar on our right, the 247, so we looked at each other laughing, “Should we stop? Yes? No? YESSS!!” was the final answer, and so glad we did!
Seeing the Wayland Band was more than a fun-filled and soulful adventure right smack in the middle of nowhere. They were all handsome, talented, world-traveled musicians who knew how to rock the stage. On their break they came to talk to us and said they were from Joshua Tree, which is where we were headed, so we asked for the best hike to do in Joshua Tree if we had to choose one, and they said, the Hidden Valley Nature Trail.
Now, I had looked at the 100 hike options in Joshua Tree earlier that day, and the one hike I chose, which our GPS was leading us to prior to stopping at the 247, was the freaking Hidden Valley Nature Trail. I mean, I could have picked any other of the hikes, and the guy could have given us another hike to head to, but as in sync as my life is right now, here we found ourselves on the same page, we didn't know each other but had the exact same hike in mind. Wow, right? Maybe you had to be there, but it felt WOW for us.
After a night enjoying the hot springs, a morning hike along the Hidden Valley Nature Trail in Joshua Tree, followed by more hot springs and sun-bathing, I made it to North County San Diego to take in the familiar So-Cal lifestyle with one of my closest friends. After spending the first couple of nights with him in North County, I had to get home for some family matters, and yet was able to spend my last night down in San Diego proper, where I lived in my early-mid 20’s.
I hadn’t reached out to anyone as I only had one night in actual San Diego, but if I had had the time there are two people I had hoped to see: my OB roommate Jory, and my college Italian Professor, Martha, both of whom have become life long friends. When I arrived to my hotel I promptly borrowed one of the beach cruisers so I could bike to the harbor to catch the sunset, because as you may now know catching the sunset is always something I do, and what a magical sunset ride it was!
I was that girl: happily riding a sexy white and camel leather-seated beach cruiser along the harbor promenade, not a care in the world, smile on my face, taking it all in. The lovers romancing, street performers dancing, the sun beautifully bidding adieux to the day, it was a stunning and memorable moment in time. Then all of a sudden I heard a voice I recognized so well, I looked to my left and saw her….it was Martha!!!
I stopped my bike, said her name, and when she looked at me I think we both couldn’t believe our eyes and burst into laughter and tears simultaneously, and then hugs!!! She doesn’t live nearby yet that particular evening she had wanted to walk her dog by the harbor with a friend at sunset. I was only there a few hours that evening, and when I saw the bikes I knew I wanted to bike the harbor for one last seaside hurrah. What a stunning and special moment in time, for her and I to visit for a while with no plans to do so - she didn't even know I was in town! It was meant to be, and she and I still cannot believe it to this day. We were in total, and complete sync with each other!
“Focus on the powerful, euphoric, magical, synchronistic, beautiful parts of life, and the universe will keep giving them to you.” - Unknown
I am always in awe and my mind continuously blown in these moments where it seems that all stars are aligned to bring me to that specific space, at that exact time, with that very person. So my eyes are open, and I am creating space for more “ What are the freaking chances?!” moments. You hear that, Universe? Bring them on, because I'm paying attention and I appreciate them!