When planning a trip, my destination usually includes a beach. The ocean is my sanctuary! My happy place where my soul rejuvenates, I play like a child and soak in the sun and sea. However, this trip to Arizona changed my mind and I can now confidently say, I love the desert!

I discovered my spirit animal is a Mustang. When working with horses in Tucson, I chose a white haired horse named Luna to by my guide. I found out she was actually considered a grey Mustang because of her skin tone. When picking up my rental cars on two different occasions, both times I was given grey Mustangs. Coincidence? I think not! Mustangs are a symbol of being wild and free, and as I find myself at a crossroad in my life, I took this non-so-subtle sign from the Universe and am running with it.
"Mustangs are a mythic symbol of freedom, heroism, romance, limitless possibilities, and the vanishing of the West. When the Horse races in as your Spirit Animal, it's time to set your soul free!"
The Sonoran desert is full of wonder and beauty I never expected to see. It opened my eyes to see that we can find beauty in the most unexpected places, people, and things. It was here that I let my inner Mustang run wild.
After a week of complete bliss in desert therapy (with no phone or technology), quiet days and nights, watching the sun rise and set every single day on mindfulness walks, I headed to Sedona. I was committed to seeing as much as possible and to accumulate as many magical views to take my breath away as I could in two days' time. And did I ever! I saw every sunrise and sunset from the top of mountains, and meditated in the places where Vortexes are meant to be the strongest. The energy was real y'all, and I created some powerful things while I was deep in lotus position getting a sun tan.
The Mustang coincidence was one wild happening, but want to know how powerful the Sedona Vortexes really are? On a sunrise hike at Airport Loop Trail, I sat and meditated in the blazing morning sun and asked my Mom (who recently passed), God, the Universe, The Source, the Powers That Be, to send me someone while I was there. A man to accompany me, to distract me from my hurting heart - not a romantic encounter, but someone open, interesting, and fun to hang out with. I was very specific. When I returned to my hotel (Sedona Rouge) after my next hike at Chapel of the Holy Cross, I was laying poolside and wouldn't you know it - there he was. He and I ended up chatting, having laughs, and after my final hike that day to watch the sunset at Sugarloaf Summit, we met for drinks by the bonfire. I don't know how, but I talked him in to waking up at 4:45 to hike Cathedral Rock at sunrise with me. We did it! He was exactly what I asked for and I'm so grateful to have had a hiking buddy to hike in the dark on my last morning.
Later on, I heard there are strong Vortexes at the Airport Loop Trail, so again, was it a coincidence? I think not, and I plan to keep returning to Sedona to manifest more magic in my life in the very near future.
Desert Shopping List:
Lonely Planet - road trip guide to the SW
Diff Sunnies (they're Aussie, mate!)