Ciao! I'm Sara.
I've never chosen the conventional path in life and have always followed my heart. Even when it's made sense to no one but me.
My Mom sent me traveling internationally quite young: Guatemala at 14, Mexico at 15, and Germany, Austria, Switzerland at 16. I learned so much on those trips. About different cultures, different customs, about myself. I learned that I was unlike the other kids I was with - I ventured out to get to know locals, to walk the cities and towns alone (at 14!) just to see what and who was out there. I wanted to experience things that were different from what I knew.
At 22, I headed to Greece on my very first solo adventure to have some fun. As you do after a break up! That trip changed my life. I knew I could go anywhere, do anything, and I didn't need anyone to hold my hand (although I do love having my hand held:) I was wild and free then, and I am wild and free now.
Since then I've been to 43 countries and have so many more on my list! The day I stop traveling, is the day I will eternally rest.
Let's be honest here - I'm a complete novice to all of this. First website, first blog, and first attempt to document parts of my life that I've usually kept to myself. And I'm scared out of my MIND to share some of the things I do and have done, but that's all the more reason to do it, right?
Some fun bits about me in no particular order: ​
Most of my adult life has been spent working for the uber wealthy: on their yachts, in their estates, or on their private islands. Let's just say I've seen some things.
I prefer life in a bikini. I'm far from a supermodel and should probably act more my age, and I simply do not care. I feel sexiest when running around half naked in the sun, and will continue to do so, and own it. ​
I lost my beloved Mom recently, and grief has been a journey further and deeper than all others. Her love has fueled my passion to kick some serious butt at life!
The 9-5 is not for me. Never was, never will be, and I prefer to live life outside the box.
I'm a sucker for people, places, and things that challenge my thoughts, spark my soul and make me see the world and myself differently. See my Inspiration!
January 2022, I will have my Italian Dual Citizenship. Andiamo!
I say yes to adventure and have had my share of fun in exotic places over the years (which I may share), but I am extremely selective, my moral code is steadfast, and I'm a serial monogamist. Judge not.
I love to make my own body/face products inspired by travels! Visit my Apothecary to see what I've whipped up in my kitchen.
Not married, no kids, yet:)
I am Auntie Rara. My nephews are my world, and my love for them is greater than I ever thought possible.
In a nutshell, I am unpredictable in this game called life and possess a joie de vivre that has guided me to this very moment, and I embrace it!
My goal for this site is to share my experiences. The ones I have had, am having, and am about to have. To inspire you to get out there and see for yourself how fun the unexpected can be! Nothing makes me happier than knowing I may have inspired someone to do something that brings them joy, or to have encouraged someone to step into their greatness!
If I can buy a ticket, drop everything, pack a bag full of curiosity and dreams, and venture into the unknown to let life's magic unfold before my big blue eyes, then I promise, so can you!
I'm so glad you're here! And I'm excited to hear about you, too.​